pregnancy announcement

Pregnancy Announcement

So I think it’s safe to share this families pregnancy announcement blog now, considering their baby boy is now one month old. Mama K is one of the MVP’s of CMP, I did her senior photos in High school (don’t want to admit how long ago that was), I shot her baby boy when he was first born, and after this announcement I was fortunate enough to shoot her maternity session!
I found this location on the way to my brothers house wayyyy out in the country and was dying to use it, so naturally when K & B asked me to shoot their pregnancy announcement I knew just the place!
These pregnancy announcement pictures came out perfect, but I did have the cutest models to work with! Big Brother O was very excited that he had a new baby on the way and I can’t thank these guys enough for entrusting me with their secret! I kept it wayyyy longer than necessary!!!
